Benefit Corporation

As consumers, we have a huge impact on the reality that surrounds us. That is why making conscious choices is so important. Quality becomes more important than quantity, and when shopping we have in mind the good of the planet, not only the good of our wallet. We start to be interested in what we actually pay for. And continuous analysis of various aspects of our impact on the environment is crucial.

It is also a time when corporate behaviour matters more than ever. More and more companies are assessing their business practices and improving their social and environmental performance. Over the past two years, this has led to a huge increase in both the number of Certified B Corporations and companies applying for certification.

B Corp / Benefit Corporation means that for-profit businesses commit themselves to embracing environmental sustainability and social change, by reaching high-quality business standards.

The B Corp certification is administered by B Lab - a non-profit organization that has awarded B Corp (since 2006).


Learn more about their mission


Want to know more? Visit:

B Lab Global Site

B Lab Europe

B Lab UK


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